About Me
Alli loves to help sensitive, anxious, gifted, and analytical high-achievers get out of their heads and into their bodies and intuition. Her passion is helping align people from the inside out—body, spirit, mind, and soul. She has been working for over a decade as a trauma therapist, specializing in attachment trauma, romantic relationships, and religious trauma. She also helps leaders and professionals of all types shift from a state of burnout, anxiety, and overwhelm or “running around” to a state of calm while still achieving huge things with their lives!
Alli also loves helping couples shift out of the blame game and into a healthy state of balanced masculine and feminine energy. Regardless of gender identification, all humans have both feminine and masculine energies. Often when we become unbalanced internally, that will affect our lives externally. This is frequently observed in relationships with intimate partners. Alli helps both individuals and couples who want to work together to identify these imbalances and reignite their passion and excitement in the relationship again. Alli is a natural teacher and educates clients on what healthy feminine and masculine energies look like inside the individual, and then provides tools for implementing these energies interpersonally within the relationship with the other after internal clarity and awareness have been established.
Alli is a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) in the state of Colorado. She has also completed the full 45-hour training required as part of the path towards receiving the Approved Clinical Supervisor designation. She received her Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology with an emphasis in trauma studies from the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. Alli has her bachelor’s degrees in psycho
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Vestibulum fringilla pede sit amet augue. Suspendisse eu ligula. Pellentesque auctor neque nec urna. Fusce vel dui. Nullam tincidunt adipiscing enim.Nam eget dui. Praesent ac sem eget est egestas volutpat. Cras sagittis. Praesent nonummy mi in odio. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Sed aliquam, nisi quis porttitor congue, elit erat euismod orci, ac placerat dolor lectus quis orci. Nam quam nunc, blandit vel, luctus pulvinar, hendrerit id, lorem. Nullam sagittis. Praesent blandit laoreet nibh. Vestibulum ullamcorper mauris at ligula. Mauris sollicitudin fermentum libero.
Sed mollis, eros et ultrices tempus, mauris ipsum aliquam libero, non adipiscing dolor urna a orci. Nam at tortor in tellus interdum sagittis. In turpis. Vestibulum rutrum, mi nec elementum vehicula, eros quam gravida nisl, id fringilla neque ante vel mi. Phasellus magna.
Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Curabitur ligula sapien, tincidunt non, euismod vitae, posuere imperdiet, leo. Cras id dui. Sed a libero. Quisque id odio.
Clinical Focus Areas
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Entice your visitor with a brief description of focus area 02
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Training & Experience
Fusce convallis metus id felis luctus adipiscing.
Pellentesque dapibus hendrerit tortor.
Nunc nulla. Morbi nec metus.
Quisque id mi. Fusce vel dui.
Nunc sed turpis. Aenean imperdiet.
Integer tincidunt. In auctor lobortis lacus.
In consectetuer turpis ut velit.
Vestibulum volutpat pretium libero. Nulla porta dolor.
Sed hendrerit. Suspendisse pulvinar, augue ac venenatis condimentum, sem libero volutpat nibh, nec pellentesque velit pede quis nunc.
Quisque ut nisi. Cras sagittis.
In ac felis quis tortor malesuada pretium. Nunc nonummy metus.
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